IBES is once again partnering with The Nature Conservancy to host a joint postdoc beginning in summer or fall 2019. Applicants should be interested in working on one of the following projects:
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs more
- Adaptive governance decisions under competing environmental demands for renewable energy and biological conservation in Rhode Island
- Phosphorus cycling and sustainable agriculture
- Understanding Human Responses to Coastal Flooding on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
- Managing a network of reserves in the context of climate change
- Conservation corridors: establishing baselines and documenting ecosystem transitions
For more information, visit the NatureNet website or view the Call for Applications. The deadline for applications is September 7, 2018.
IBES is also seeking candidates for its Voss Postdoctoral program: one or more internaly funded, distinguished postdoctoral positions in interdisciplinary environmental science. For more information, view the Voss Postdoc listing and Call for Applications. Applications are being accepted until November 12, 2018.