Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

IBES launches LinkedIn Group, connecting Brunonians interested in climate, sustainability, and the environment

Join the climate conversation at Brown! The IBES Alumni & Friends Network LinkedIn Group is your gateway to connect with this growing community in real time.

The IBES Alumni & Friends Network LinkedIn Group is a digital space designed to connect Brown University alumni, families, and friends who care about climate, sustainability, and the environment.

How is this group different from a LinkedIn page?

This group offers a dynamic and private platform for members to engage directly with each other. Here, you can ask questions, share job and internship opportunities, seek professional development, and participate in insightful discussions with fellow Brunonians!

Who can join?

Open to Brown alumni, their families, and friends from all fields, this network serves as a hub for professional growth, collaboration, and community building. Whether you're looking to advance your career, contribute your expertise, or simply stay connected with like-minded allies, the IBES Alumni & Friends Network is your gateway to meaningful connections and opportunities.

Strengthening community and collaboration

As outlined in IBES' Strategic Plan, nurturing this network serves to enhance connections among IBES community members across diverse fields, providing a platform for professional development, mentorship opportunities, and knowledge sharing. By encouraging active participation and collaboration within the network, we aim to strengthen ties with our community, increase awareness of ongoing IBES initiatives, and foster a collective commitment to advancing environmental stewardship globally. This initiative supports the personal and professional growth of our alumni and reinforces IBES's mission to address pressing environmental challenges through interdisciplinary collaboration and community engagement.