Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

Allie Reilly '15


What did you find most valuable during your time as a Voss Environmental Fellow?

As a Voss Environmental Fellow I had the freedom and autonomy to craft a research project that I was passionate about. This experience helped me to develop the skills necessary to perform high quality research. More importantly, this fellowship provided me with a community of researchers to grow with and learn from, especially when it came to communicating our science at the end of the year.

What are you doing now?

I am currently doing a year of service through AmeriCorps VISTA at the United Way of Rhode Island. I am supporting after school professionals in the state who offer science-based programs to help provide youth with the skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century.

How did your experience as a Voss Environmental Fellow influence or impact your life after Brown?

My current work with AmeriCorps often requires me to think about science communication and how educators present topics to engage youth. Communication was a key element of the Voss Environmental Fellows program, and I often turn to the material I learned from my experience as a fellow. As well, I believe that participating in this fellowship helped me to develop the confidence to someday pursue an advanced degree and complete a strong dissertation. I am already eager to participate in a graduate program in order to more deeply think through the themes evoked in my research project.