Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

Tyler Kartzinel

Peggy and Henry D. Sharpe Assistant Professor of Environment and Society, Assistant Professor of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
Research Interests Conservation biology, Molecular ecology, Evolution of species interactions


Kartzinel’s research uses forensic lab tools and field experiments to illuminate how species interact with each other. The outcome of species interactions like predation, competition, and mutualisms matter to nature and people, and knowledge of these interactions can help guide efforts to address global change.

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    IBES: 2023 in Review

    Dive into a year of accomplishments at IBES, where community-engaged scholarship, cutting-edge research, student-led projects and events, and more highlight the many ways that our community is rising to meet the 21st century’s climate, sustainability, and environmental challenges.
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    A detailed analysis of the dietary habits of elephants showed surprising variation from meal to meal, which could have important ramifications for wildlife protection and conservation strategies. Tyler Kartzinel, Assistant Professor in IBES and Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, is among the authors of the study.
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