Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

Previous Recipients of Graduate Research, Training & Travel Award

Awardee Date  Department Research Topic
Max Conley Fall 2023 HIST "'Blind,' 'Deaf,' and 'Gagged': Dolphins, Bats, and Violent Discoveries of Echolocation"
Manuel Justin Custado Fall 2023 DEEPS Constructing a hydrological balance model for the Bear Lake Watershed, Utah and Idaho using stable isotope data
Raquel Douglas Fall 2023 SOC Towards Black Landways: Ecological Stewardship and the Black Radical Tradition
Mira Guth Fall 2023 ANTH More Bugs, Less Drugs: Veterinary Interventions in the Multispecies Health Issue Antimicrobial Resistance
Christian Hoover Fall 2023 PHP Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (pXRF) Device Validation for Measuring Organic Fluorine as a proxy for PFAS in Water.
Archana Ramanujam Fall 2023 SOC Climate crisis as a racist, colonial crisis? The establishment of ecologically unequal exchange
Yunyu Shu Fall 2023 ECON Climate Change Beliefs, Payment for Ecosystem Services, and Adaptation: Evidence from Cocoa Farmers in Ghana
Luiz Paulo Ferraz Spring 2023 HIST Becoming "the Real Climate Leaders:" The Rise of Brazilian Indigenous Leaders as Environmental Defenders in the Global Political Arena
Aryan Jakhar Spring 2023 EEOB Evaluating the resilience of tree species under climate change in the Eastern U.S
Kristin Kimble Spring 2023 DEEPS Evolution of the Tropical Pacific Ocean Thermocline
Michael Neubauer Spring 2023 ECON Pollution Externalities: The Case of Shrimp Farming in Vietnam
Jared Nirenberg Spring 2023 DEEPS Southern Ocean and East Antarctic temperature evolution during the Middle Miocene
Carilee Osborne Spring 2023 SOC State-Society Relations and the Renewable Energy Transition: Lessons from South African Cities
Theodore Bobik Spring 2023 DEEPS Filling in the Gaps: Soils as Recorders of Regional Hydrology Across the Planet
Keegan Cothern Spring 2023 HIST Long Shadows Downstream: Disaster, Developmentalism, and Rebuilding Postwar Japan
Catherine Gagnon Spring 2023 DEEPS Hydroclimate in the southwestern Great Basin: Implications for economically viable lithium accumulation in lake clay deposits
Bryce Mitsunaga Spring 2023 DEEPS Orbital pacing of Iberian hydroclimate, vegetation, and sea surface temperatures since at least 6 Ma: Case studies from Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sections of IODP Site U1587