Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

One Semester Independent Research

An independent research project investigates a topic, tests a hypothesis or addresses a question that can advance our understanding of natural or social systems. The project is conducted over the course of one semester under the supervision of a faculty member. Typically the faculty member is a Fellow of IBES, however a non-IBES faculty member can advise your capstone if they are the best fit for the type of research you are conducting.  Make sure the professor confirms their advising commitment to both your concentration advisor and the IBES Academic Program Manager.


Typically the faculty member serving as a student’s capstone advisor is a Core Faculty member of IBES, however additional Brown faculty (such as Elected Fellows & Affiliates or non-affiliated Professors) can also serve in this role.  Non-core faculty members must confirm with the Academic Program Manager ( that they have agreed to be the concentrator's capstone advisor.  

Something to consider when looking for an advisor is what type of final deliverable you want to turn in.  There is a lot of flexibility in this area, so if you want to go a more non-traditional route, make sure you find a mentor with the necessary experience to guide and critically evaluate your work.


Seniors are expected to turn in a deliverable for their one semester research project (in addition to the poster).  However, there is significant flexibility as to the nature of that final product.  As stated earlier, if you want to go a more non-traditional route, make sure you find a mentor with the necessary experience to guide and critically evaluate your work.
Please note that whatever form your final product takes, you must provide a copy to the Academic Program Manager (, so we can save it for future reference and reporting purposes.  In addition to providing a copy of your final deliverable, we ask all students include an Independent Research Summary as well.


All seniors who complete a one semester research project or two semester thesis are required to create and present a research poster for our annual event held during spring reading period.  Students graduating in December must submit their poster by late November.


Fall Projects:
  • End of 6th Semester (Spring) - No Later Than First Week of Classes, Fall Semester – Deadline to turn in Independent Research Form to capstone and concentration advisors, with a cc to
  • Fall Shopping Period - Senior must register for ENVS 1970 section assigned to their capstone advisor.  When in Courses@Brown student must check the box next to “Include Independent Study and Research Courses” in order to find the ENVS 1970 sections available.  Please note that the senior will need their capstone advisor to grant an override in order for them to complete the enrollment process.
  • Friday, September 13th – Deadline for student to meet with their advisor to create an agreed upon timetable of expected progress for the semester, leading up to turning in the final product.
  • Every other week - Student and capstone advisor should talk in person or correspond via email to discuss current efforts and results.  It is the responsibility of both the senior and their advisor to make sure they are in touch on a regular basis and that expectations are clearly defined and confirmed.
  • Friday, December 13th - Deadline to turn in final product to capstone advisor with a cc to 
  • Wednesday April 30th - Present research poster from 1:00-3:00PM in the Kasper Multipurpose Room
Spring Projects:
  • End of 7th Semester (Fall) - No Later Than First Week of Classes, Spring Semester – Deadline to turn in Independent Research Form to capstone and concentration advisors with a cc to 
  • Fall Shopping Period - Senior must register for ENVS 1971 section assigned to their capstone advisor.  When in Courses@Brown student must check the box next to “Include Independent Study and Research Courses” in order to find the ENVS 1971 sections available.  Please note that the senior will need their capstone advisor to grant an override in order for them to complete the enrollment process.
  • Friday, January 31st – Deadline for student to meet with their advisor to create an agreed upon timetable of expected progress for the semester, leading up to turning in the final product.
  • Every other week - Student and capstone advisor should talk in person or correspond via email to discuss current efforts and results.  It is the responsibility of both the senior and their advisor to make sure they are in touch on a regular basis and that expectations are clearly defined and confirmed.
  • Wednesday April 30th - Present research poster from 1:00-3:00PM in the Kasper Multipurpose Room
  • Wednesday, May 7th - Deadline to turn in final project to capstone advisor with a cc to 

One Semester ENVS Research Project Guidelines  2024-2025 ONE SEMESTER Research Proposal Form