Students interested in graduating with honors in Environmental Sciences and Studies must complete a thesis determined to be of the highest quality and must have excelled in their coursework required for the concentration. Coursework excellence is defined here as receiving a grade of "A" in the majority of courses taken to fulfill the concentration.
Honors Thesis
The thesis is an in-depth, original work of scholarship. This scholarship can take many forms, from basic discovery that fuels future advances, to applied problem solving that meets the challenges facing our environment, but also to engaged work that involves a reciprocal, collaborative relationship between our scholars and an organization outside Brown.
The thesis is conducted during the senior year, over the course of two semesters and under the supervision of a faculty member. Typically the faculty member is a Fellow of IBES, but additional Brown faculty can also serve as a thesis advisor with permission of the student's concentration advisor.
Thesis Advisor & Second Reader
Typically the faculty member serving as a student’s thesis advisor is a Core Faculty member of IBES, however additional Brown faculty (such as Elected Fellows & Affiliates or non-affiliated Professors) can also serve in this role. Non-core faculty members must confirm with the Academic Program Manager ( that they have agreed to be the concentrator's thesis advisor. Students pursuing honors may be asked to secure a 'second reader' (to the discretion of the advisor) who can provide additional input on the direction of the work, and will help evaluate the quality of the final product. The second reader is often a Brown faculty member, but can also be an environmental practitioner or professor based outside of Brown, who has significant expertise in the concentrator’s area of research. For students conducting an engaged project with a community partner, their supervisor from the organization can be recognized as their ‘second reader’.
Poster Presentation
All students conducting a thesis are required to contribute a poster presentation of their work to be displayed at the annual research symposium (held during spring reading period). Students graduating in December must submit their poster by late November. Students may be also required, at the discretion of their thesis advisor, to conduct an oral presentation of their thesis work.
- End of 6th Semester (Spring) - Department deadline to submit Independent Research Form to thesis and concentration advisors with a cc to It is strongly suggested students submit their forms by this date, as it may be difficult to find an advisor in the fall semester.
- No Later Than First Week of Classes, Fall Semester: University Deadline to submit Independent Research Form to thesis and concentration advisors with a cc to
- Fall Shopping Period - Senior must register for ENVS 1970 section assigned to your thesis advisor. When in Courses@Brown you must check the box next to “Include Independent Study and Research Courses” in order to find the ENVS 1970 sections. Please note that you will need your thesis advisor to grant an override for you to complete the enrollment process.
- Friday, September 13th – Deadline to have first planning meeting with advisor, with expectation to discuss timeline and expected progress within that schedule.
- Friday, September 27th - Deadline for the concentrator and their thesis advisor to agree upon what type of deliverable should be turned in at the end of the semester. Said deliverable will be used by the thesis advisor to determine what type of letter grade to submit for their advisee at the end of the fall semester (ENVS 1970).
- Every other week - Student and thesis advisor should talk in person or correspond via email to discuss progress. It is the responsibility of both the senior and their thesis advisor to make sure they are in touch on a regular basis and that expectations are clearly defined and confirmed.
- Monday, December 2nd - Deadline for concentrator to turn in agreed upon deliverable to their thesis advisor, so a letter grade can be submitted to reflect the student’s efforts thus far (ENVS 1970, fall semester).
- Spring Shopping Period – Senior must register for ENVS 1971 section assigned to their thesis advisor.
- Friday, March 21st - Complete draft due to thesis advisor, and second reader (if student has one).
- Friday, April 11th - Recommended deadline by which a student defends their thesis (if the thesis advisor requires a defense).
- Friday, April 18th - Final draft (which addresses feedback) must be turned in to thesis advisor, and second reader (if student has one). Format should be either a PDF or Word file.
- Wednesday, April 23rd - Deadline for thesis advisor to email Professor Dawn King (with a cc to an attachment of student’s final thesis and a statement as to why they think the work is worthy of honors. For your convenience we’ve compiled some examples of prior recommendations. Click here to view the Google doc.
- *Please note - This is also the deadline to nominate your advisee for IBES’ Distinguished Senior Thesis Prize
- Tuesday, April 29th – The IBES Honors’ Committee convenes to decide which theses should receive honors and which thesis will win the senior thesis prize.
- Thursday, May 1st - The IBES Honors’ Committee informs Jeanne Loewenstein which theses have been approved for honors, so she can provide the Registrar with the necessary documentation.
- Monday, May 5th - Deadline for students to email a copy of their final paper, along with a Release or Confidentiality form, to Jeanne Loewenstein,
- Second Week of May – The Registrar’s Office emails the Academic Program Manager to confirm recipients of honors.
2024-2025 Honors Guidelines 0.5 Student Honors Guidelines2024-2025 HONORS THESIS Proposal Form