Institute at Brown for Environment and Society
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For many, the title theoretical physicist conjures images of wild-haired scholars poring over complex equations in an effort to solve esoteric scientific problems. But Brad Marston, Professor of Physics, is not wild-haired. And the problem he seeks to tackle is far more down-to-Earth than those stereotypes would lead one to believe.
Mashapaug Pond, in southwest Providence, was once the site of a bustling industrial plant called the Gorham Manufacturing Company. From the late-19th century until the middle of the 21st, the Gorham factory churned out some of the country's finest silverware and bronze casts, all the while pumping large quantities of effluent into the soil and water.
News from IBES

Introducing: Tyler Kartzinel, Faculty Fellow

Nature is full of surprising interactions between species. Whether it's by working together, avoiding each other, competing with one another, or making a meal out of one another, species are connected in a variety of ways.
News from IBES

Introducing: Brian Lander, Faculty Fellow

Brian Lander, formerly a Ziff Environmental Fellow at Harvard University, joins the ranks of IBES fellows this fall as Assistant Professor of History.